Director of the Teatro Stabile di Napoli, artistic director of the Naples Theater Festival.
Born in Naples in 1957. Graduated from the Faculty of Performing Arts at DAMS in Bologna. In 1980 and 1982 he created performances in the experimental section of the Theater Biennale. He has worked extensively with classical prose and studied eighteenth-century theater.
He has staged productions based on works by Schnitzler, Gozzi, Goldoni, von Kleist, Marivaux, Shakespeare, Sophocles, Shaw, Pirandello and Brecht. From 2000 to 2010 he headed the Teatro Stabile del Veneto named after Carlo Goldoni. During the same period he founded Italy's largest theater prize.
In 2011 he was appointed director of the Teatro Stabile di Napoli. Since the beginning of his directing career he has also created productions for the opera stage, with productions at such theaters as the Teatro la Fenice in Venice, the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, the Arena di Verona and the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. He was the initiator of significant theater forums. In 1985 he founded the Festival of the Vesuvian Villas and in 1998 the Small European Festival in Capri. In the 2005-2006 season he was President of the Association of Italian Repertory Theaters.
At the Ninth Alexandrinsky Festival was presented Luca de Fusco's play "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov (September 18 and 19, 2015 at 19.00. Main stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre).