Turgenev Hall

I.S.Turgenev had very tight relationships with the Alexandrinsky Theatre. In his youth he was an ardent theatregoer and never missed significant first nights and debuts. It was here where his first plays were staged. Then the creative cooperation between the writer and the theatre was put on hold and only in 1879, when M.G.Savina had a chance to “bring” to the stage the comedy A month in the country, where the great actress played the role of Verochka, the relationships with with the Alexandrinsky Theatre were re-established. I.S.Turgenev was delighted by the talent of M.G.Savina who brought his play to life. A vivid correspondence started between Turgenev and Savina. The story of creative and personal communication of a great writer and a brilliant actress later formed the basis of the Elegy performance that was staged in 1975 by director I.S.Olshvanger and based on the play by P.Pavlovsky. Turgenev’s image was impersonated by an outstanding master of the Alexandrinsky Stage B.A.Freindlich, and Savina was played by V.V.Panina. The exhibition presents original accessories and costumes B.A. Freindlich and V.V. Panina in the Elegy.
The unique series of sketches by V.V.Dmitriev made for another legendary Turgenev play – staging of the novel A Nest of Gentlefolk, which was materialized by A.A.Muzil – takes an important place in the exhibition. Such theatre coryphaeuses as Simonov, Rashevskaya, Michurina-Samoilova and Skorobogatov acted in this performance.
The show-cases of the museum demonstrate costumes from Turgenev performances and also the objects, characterising the days when Turgenev characters acted and lived.